Welcome to my original graphics collection.
"Full Moon Party"
"Iron Rabbit" "Milk RunRun"

Thank you for coming my site.
my original graphics & postpet interiors pictures & postpet food pictures is DL free.
But please keep an eye on the other copyright noticies.

Please answar these forms.
I don't understand English. But these forms are really important to me. As you know , these forms are easy to understand what are your opinions.
You don't have to answer or mark all of them. But Please answer as many as you can.

Information for use of images on your web page.

* Please download the graphics (right click with mouse and "save as")and upload to your own server.
* Do NOT add my graphics in any "graphic collections".
* You may of course not sell or redistribute these graphics in any way.
* My graphics are free for personal homepage use ONLY.
* DO NOT use my graphics on any business or commercial web site.
* If you use any of my graphics I would appreciate a link on your page to my page.
* Please make a link to these three choices.

original graphics
You may use "Full Moon Party" with this URL.
Banner Full Moon Party-Banner

postpet interiors pictures & postpet food pictures(& original graphics)
You may use "Iron Rabbit" with this URL.
Banner Iron Rabbit-Banner

postpet interiors pictures & postpet food pictures(& original graphics)
You may use "Milk RunRun" with this URL.
Banner Milk RunRun-Banner

All images and content on this web site are copyright
(C)2000 "Full Moon Party" "Mairu" All Rights Reserved.

Here's webmaster "mairu"'s e-mail address.(Regular mail and Post-pet are same address.)

I wish you can write Japanese. But if you have an important messege, short and English just fine. Mail replay might be late. Thank you.

Your Neme? * Or Handle name
Please make sure to put these on.

E-mail *
Please make sure to put these on.

Plase put URL if you want to link to my web page.
I'm going look up to yours also.

Your OS * Windows Macintosh Others

Your Browser * Internet Explorer 4.x Netscape Communicater 4.x Others

Ages? *

Your Sex? * Male Female ?

Which of my materials did you like? ( You can pick as many as you want) *
Dark BackGround Tiles & Borders
Light BackGround Tiles & Borders
Icons & Buttons & Lines & Bars
Animated Gifs
Dark postpet interiors pictures
Dark postpet food
Light postpet interiors pictures
Light postpet food

Did you Download are of them? (You can pick as many as you want) *
Dark BackGround Tiles & Borders
Light BackGround Tiles & Borders
Icons & Buttons & Lines & Bars
Animated Gifs
Dark postpet interiors pictures
Dark postpet food
Light postpet interiors pictures
Light postpet food
Full Moon Party Banner
Iron Rabbit Banner
Milk RunRun Banner

What did you think my web page? (You can pick as many as you want) *
I'm going to use your inrerioe my web page.
I'm going to link on your page.
I'm using your Post-pet interiors.
I'm using your Post-pet food.
I don't understand becouse all Japanese.
I don't understand how to download the materials.
I don't understand how to use the Post-pet room or food.
I'd like to come here again
Maybe, I'd like to come visit here again
I'm looking forward to new materials.
I'll never come back again!

If you have a short messege, write here. (Easy English or Japanase please) *

I don't understand English. Replay mail might be take a little bit time.
Can I use your messege on my web page?
Sure. If you using other name or handle name No

* Just send messege. check box here.

Well....I'm really glad to meet to you at full moon night.
I am your host "Kinu" .

I am looking forward for you to come back again.

Thank you.

Full Moon Party/Iron Rabbit/Milk RunRun